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নিউল্যান্ডে স্বাগতম
J Mitchell

Welcome to The Boulevard Academy where providing the best support and opportunities for all of our students is at the heart of everything that we do.

With our students, we create a positive learning culture that is highly aspirational and supportive. Our Academy is a family and we work together to guide students along their journey to becoming life-long learners and developing the necessary skills and experiences they need for their bright futures. Staff at The Boulevard Academy work closely with students to identify and develop their dreams and ambitions. It is our honour to then work with them and equip them with the tools to realise these dreams.

We are extremely proud of our students who grasp the opportunities that we provide for them. We hold regular praise assemblies to highlight their individual successes and to celebrate them within our school community. 

Here at The Boulevard Academy, we have worked hard to be clear regarding our high expectations of students, staff and parents and these expectations are clearly stated in our behaviour policy and our Home-School Agreement. We expect all parents, students and staff to fully support these policies and work closely together throughout our time together. We have a very strong pastoral system and encourage parents and students who are facing difficulties to get in touch to access our extensive support.

The caring yet aspirational culture at The Boulevard Academy comes from the extremely high value placed on the strong relationships between students, staff and parents. We believe that nothing is achieved without effort and that by working together and forming strong relationships there is no limit to what we can achieve for our students.

Over the previous challenging years of the pandemic, we saw these relationships at their best as our students rose to the occasion and invested themselves in our remote learning programme. Regardless of what obstacles that were thrown their way, our students proved their commitment to learning, accessing online resources, live classes, and learning to engage virtually with staff during the coronavirus pandemic. We are extremely proud of the resilience and adaptability that the Academy community displayed throughout these unprecedented circumstances that we all faced. We are incredibly grateful to our students to have emerged from these challenging times with our best ever externally assessed exam results.

Our students all develop core values such as respect, kindness and responsibility. These core values are the foundation for developing into young people who are equipped to make a positive contribution to our Academy community and subsequently our local community.

We are delighted to say that we are over-subscribed in many year groups, demonstrating the support and confidence we receive from our local community. It is an honour to be given the opportunity to educate local young people and we are humbled by the trust that you kindly place in us to provide a first class and personalised education for our future generation.


Janice Mitchell

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যোগাযোগের ঠিকানা:

নিউল্যান্ড স্কুল ফর গার্লস, কটিংহাম রোড, কিংস্টন আপন হাল, ইংল্যান্ড HU6 7RU


অভিভাবক এবং জনসাধারণের সদস্যদের কাছ থেকে প্রাথমিক প্রশ্নগুলি মিস এইচ এডওয়ার্ডস, PA প্রধান শিক্ষকের কাছে হবে৷

টেলিফোন: 01482 - 343098, ফ্যাক্স: 01482 - 441416, ইমেল:


প্রধান শিক্ষক: ভিকি ক্যালাগান

TBA Trained in Wellbeing
TBA Trained in Communication
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