Em di Karûbarên Xwendekaran de unîforma NSG difroşin
Çakêtê Reş bi tevna binefşî û logoya dibistanê*
Girêdana dibistanê *
Jumper V-stûyê reş bi banda binefşî *
Pantolojên reş ên bi şêwaza 'bootleg' * - ne leggings an jeansên çermîn ji kerema xwe!
Blûzek kirasê spî ya bi qalik - dibe ku bi kincên dirêj an kurt be.
Tights an socên
Pêlavên pêlavên reş ên hêsan (ne perwerdekar)
Serê reş (gava ku ji ber sedemên olî li xwe kirin)
Kirasê Sporê Violet ji bo PE *
Skortê violet ji bo PE (vebijarkî)*
Shorts reÅŸ
* Tenê ji dibistanê peyda dibe.
Unîforman dikarin bi serhêl bikirin Uniform Shop .
Shoes: Parents have voted overwhelmingly to allow black trainers as part of our uniform citing comfort and cost (no longer having to purchase two pairs of footwear). We are pleased to announce that from September any flat all black shoes or trainers can be worn. Any footwear that is not all black is not permitted.
You can read the updated Uniform Policy here: Uniform Policy
The Boulevard Academy is committed to supporting all of our students. If you are experiencing financial hardship please do speak to the student’s Head of Year and we will do our very best to support you.
Copies of our Behaviour and Uniform policies are available on the policies page.