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Building shot of the front of The Boulevard Academy


Meet the SEND Team


SENCO: Mrs P Hind

Assistant SENCO: Ms K Forth

SEND Teacher: Miss C Lewis

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant): Miss R Jacklin


SEND Support Assistant:
Mrs L Johnson

Miss M Fletcher
Miss C Rouse
Miss M Coates
Miss J Wright
Miss R Noble
Mrs J Jones


The Boulevard Academy is a fully inclusive academy where everyone matters.


Our individualised approach enables the adults to meet the needs of all students ranging from cognitive support to emotional and mental health support to medical needs.


Please click here to view the latest SEND Information report for 2024/2025


The Definition of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEN/D):

Students have special educational needs if they have difficulty accessing the curriculum, temporary or more long-term, which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.


Students have difficulty accessing the curriculum if they:

  • Have significant difficulties in learning in comparison with the majority of children of the same age.

  • Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for the children of the same age.


Students who experience difficulty in accessing the curriculum may also have a particular gift or talent. This addressed through the Able, Gifted and Talented Provision, in addition to provisions made for their specific need.


Special Educational Provision may be triggered when students fail to achieve adequate progress, despite having had access to a differentiated programme. Parents and staff will be informed that the child has special educational needs and appropriate provision identified to meet the student’s individual need(s) will be made.


Lack of adequate progress may be indicated by:

  • Little or no progress despite the use of targeted teaching approaches and a differentiated curriculum.

  • Working at levels significantly below age expectations, particularly in Literacy or Numeracy.

  • Presenting persistent emotional and/or behavioural difficulties, which have not been managed by appropriate strategies usually employed.

  • Sensory or physical impairments that result in little progress despite the provision of appropriate aids or equipment.

  • Poor communication or interaction, requiring specific interactions and adaptions to access learning.


Discrete SEN

Mild dyslexia

Emotional Behavioural Difficulties – social factors

Mild Dyspraxia

Minor speech impairment

Mild learning difficulties


Both SEN & Disability

Long-term motor impairment

Learning difficulties

Hearing impairment/deaf

Visual impairment/blind


Significant dyslexia





(other factors – medical/mental health)





Cancer recovery

Mental Health issues


Eating disorders

Lack of limbs

Sickle cell anaemia

Gross obesity

Very short stature


Prior to your child arriving at The Boulevard Academy we need to have an open, honest and transparent conversation about the needs of your child. This will not stop us accepting your child but it will ensure we have everything in place in enable them to be successful and reach their potential.


As an Academy we have a statutory obligation to follow the SEND Code of Practice 0-25.


Local Offer

As you may be aware, each local authority has set up a website – the local offer – as a means of providing information to all parents of children and young people with SEND. The local offer website was introduced as part of the SEND reforms alongside the introduction of EHCPs.


The website has information about local services, leisure activities and where to go for support and advice relating to a child’s SEND.


Ideally, the site should provide a ‘one stop shop’ for all information a parent could need about supporting their child.


The website is:


You can view the Hull SEND Information, Advice and Support Service Guide here: Hull SENDIASS


SEND Wellbeing

There are guides available to help explain the coronavirus to SEND children.


For an autism-friendly story to help explain the coronavirus, dangers and how to stay safe please click here. Whilst it is aimed at children and young people with Autism, it may also be useful for all parents that are finding it hard to explain to their children about this pandemic.


Supporting Children with LD & ASD with COVID Isolation was created by the Child Health Professionals in Cardiff for helping children with learning disabilities cope with isolation. The guide includes ideas for routines, activities and wellbeing.


If you have any concerns or questions please contact the SEND team via the school.


SEND Support

Below is a link for a website where you can download a coloured filter for your computer. It is free to download and it will be really useful for any students with dyslexia/visual stress and require covered overlays when reading and writing. Additionally, it is useful for anyone who struggles reading black font on a white background.


  • SEND Parent Guide


Dyslexia Guides for Parents

– Webinar for parents: How to support your dyslexic child during school closures

– Reading for pleasure making reading accessible for all

– Webinar for parents: How to prepare your child for success in life

TBA Trained in Wellbeing
TBA Trained in Communication
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