Parent Voice
At The Boulevard Academy, the relationship between school and parents is highly valued. This challenging and unpredictable year has given us more cause than ever to foster this relationship and ensure that there is an open communication between parents and school so that we are able to come together to support our students through unprecedented times.
In the past 12 months we have introduced and rolled out the My Ed Parent App. It has given us a much wider range of options for communication with parents including our brand new Parent Voice opportunity.
Parent Voice will be a questionnaire sent via My Ed which aims to gather your thoughts an opinions on a variety of topics which directly affect your child’s Academy experience.
We will publish our findings from your responses regularly on this page. Please keep checking back.
SEND Survey Spring 2
This term we reached out to parents whose children are on the SEND register to ensure that their voice and opinions are shared.
Here is what we asked and what we actioned: SPR1 SEND Parent Voice Report
Homework Survey Spring 1
This term we have asked your questions on Homework!
Here you can read what we have actioned since you submitted your answers: SPR1 Homework Parent Voice Report
Subject Survey Autumn 2
This term our subject leaders asked you questions pertaining to each individual subject.
Here is what they asked you: Parent Voice AUT2 Report
Here is what you had to say:

Wellbeing, Communication and Engagement Autumn 1
This term we asked you:
1. Do you think your child’s wellbeing is supported at school, either through their tutor or the wellbeing team?
2. Do you think your child needs wellbeing support?
3. Does your child feel safe at school?
4. Are you aware emotional wellbeing units are taught through the PSHE or tutor period curriculums?
5. Do you know who your child’s Head of Year is if you have any concerns?
Read the full Parent Voice Report here: Parent Voice AUT1 Report
Here is what you had to say: