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Literacy Support Guides

Commonly Confused Homophone

Comparative Adjectives

Connectives or Openers


Sentence Rules

Simple Conjunctions or Joining Words

Varying Sentence Structure

What is a verb?

Useful Links

Libresoft (LIBRARY)

Accelerated Reader

My On

The Day: News for Young People


Literacy Rationale

The National Literacy Trust defines Literacy as ‘the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world’.

At The Boulevard Academy, we are committed to ensuring success for all of our students, regardless of their starting points. Literacy is a fundamental skill underpinning all aspects of the curriculum and we strive to embed Literacy throughout all of our teaching and learning. We want to raise our students’ aspirations and prepare them for the wider world and life in modern Britain as successful, independent and well-rounded citizens.

Aims and Objectives


  • To develop pupils’ skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening in order to develop learning across the curriculum.


  • To ensure that students have an improved word depth knowledge through the explicit teaching of vocabulary.

  • To develop reading for pleasure and progress.

  • To encourage academic reading and learning of academic vocabulary.


Literacy Provision

Teachers will use spelling and reading standardised scores to inform lesson planning and to match activities sensitively to learners’ needs.

Teachers will select texts at levels appropriate to learners when purchasing and creating lesson resources.

All staff will model high quality talk and in doing so will consciously expose learners to the academic language of their subjects.

Teachers will model reading and explicitly teach the skills of skimming, scanning and zooming.

All staff will talk to learners about their own reading and will recommend texts for learners to read for pleasure.

Teachers will ensure that learners understand the conventions of text types specific to their subject.

Teachers will model and deconstruct writing to explicitly teach the literacy skills learners will need to successfully complete a piece of work/unit.

Teachers will build explicit teaching of vocabulary into their lessons enabling learners to become ‘word rich’.

Teachers will make learners aware of the literacy skills they are using in their subject and will assert the need for learners to transfer these skills across subjects (mastery).

Learners in all key stages will have access to a dictionary in lessons.

Tutor time sessions will be used to support reading for pleasure.

The school community will regularly celebrate reading and writing for pleasure.

Literacy Intervention

  • Learner/adult paired reading to support learners in KS3 with reading ages of 8 or below (as Covid allows).

  • Small group reading intervention.

  • Handwriting intervention.

  • Inference training intervention.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Book clubs and an open library will provide additional opportunities for students to engage with reading for pleasure.

A variety of trips such as The Big Malarky, The Book Awards and Youth Speaks will encourage student engagement.

Trips to the local library will allow students to benefit from the local council’s lending service.


View our Literacy Policy 2023 here.

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